"Apple ID" Without Apple ID you iPhone, iPad and Macbook are useless
Many of us know how to make Apple ID for
This video is for those who don't know how it make?
So, how can you create a free Apple ID without any credit card? Lets learn
To creating Apple ID you need an Email
You can also use the same Email of icloud but I will recommended
That you separately make Gmail ID
First of all, create a google account.
And then start making Apple ID
The first mistake many people make is that they are go to setting
They click on ''icloud'' and then ''don't have''
By clicking on Apple ID they are start the process
During making ID they are stop on the point of credit card
So you don't make ID from setting
Instead of this go to the App Store and click this icon
And then click on "Create new Apple ID"
From here you can start the process of making ID
Here you can enter Email or any Gmail, Google that you've made before
I'd already made
Then enter the password the theme that you held for password is,
First letter is always capital, then small letter with numerical figures and at the rate of or so on,
I always follow this
Country is already selected then on "agree to term and conditions"
Here you enter first name, last name and DOB
These things are also important you need to remember, this data comes on handy if you accidentally forget Apple id
And next thing is Apple updates its your choose that you want it off or on
The noted thing is that if you make ID in setting then
And when go to the point of credit card you get stuck but in App Store,
you find the option of none, click on it and complete the address
written what you want
enter whatever you want house, street and city so on
You will search the postcode of your country from google, if you enter wrong ID process will not continuous
I'm enter 41200
Now here you can enter phone number
Some people search that how to create an Apple ID without a phone? They do very wrong
You must enter your phone number. For verification and either for recovery its very important
So here you have to give your phone number anyway
and then choose that the message or code that you will receive earlier
its in the form of text message or call
Select the way and then next now we receive a message
(Wait a moment)
The code is received
Verify it, now one code enter in Email, I'm already login
As I'm showing the Email has arrived
Copy the code
Paste the code on Email ID
Then click on verify
Now your code is verifying
By this way your Apple ID has created
Free Apple ID without credit card
Apple ID is created
Its not very difficult
Only make an Email ID before making Apple ID and must enter your phone number
You have to do it the way I did the entries
The problem of postcode and credit card are easily solved by using App Store
Now Apple ID ready, now start the process of installing
able to use icloud the same ID you have use in iPad and Macbook
This way you can create your id and install anything you want
Our Apple ID has created and now we try it by installing
Click on Get and enter Apple ID
Enter password
Click on sing in
Then our ID has attached and...
Lets see, Installation will start now
'Done' our app installing now, here two option appears 'Always required password'
'Required after 15 minutes'
If mobile is on your hand then click on first option
Otherwise click on second option
This means that if you want to install any app, you have to enter the password.
If you again install any app within 15 minutes, it won't ask for that password
'Required after 15 minutes' click on it
By this way create Apple ID. The method is same in iPad, iPhone and MacBook
Hope you understand the whole procedure
By this method you can create your own Apple ID for free without using credit card
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