Instagram has over 1.44 billion monthly active

users, so why has average page engagement gone down over 35% since 2019? Algorithm Changes. Hi, I'm Nolan, I've been studying social media

intensely since 2014, and uploaded my first youtube video in 2008. My first paycheck ever was when I was 11 and

was from google adsense from 3 different channels.. It totaled $211. $211 in 3 years? Yea i can make this a career i thought haha Remember when the feds took master zuk to

court? Yea that changed all the trackers Meta or

FB uses to send your ads to users.. Paid ads are over.

Time to learn to market yourself through quality

content. Something i like to call “Organic Marketing” To do this we must understand the new

algorithm changes implemented at the end of 2022. 1. Chronological following & Favorites Feed

1. Tap insta logo to change between shitty new

era and the OG feeds 2. Following is OG instagram u remember from

2013/2015 era 3. Favorites is up to 50 , still chronological

4. The

main feed is full of the bs you dalt with

All summer 22 with instagram pushing content

that the algorithm thinks you like 2. More recommended content on your main activity

feed 1. Use this to find trends, collab, and interact

with new ppl 3. SEO & Keywords are now important. Alt-Text as well. 1. Make sure your description

actually uses relevant words to

the reel or for your business/niche. 2.

This will help it appear on others' main feeds. 4. Prioritizing content created in app

1. Compile clips, then add the clips together

into ig editor 2. Add ig music

3. Collaborator? Use a location. If this sounds too complicated, or like wayyyy

too much, I promise, I get it. If you have any headaches, comment below,

and check out my web consulting firm: Zympatheia aat

.. we have packages and systems that will automate these processes like you automate

blaming your farts on

The family pet.